How to Buy a Great Mattress at the Right Price: 7 Tips

How to Buy a Great Mattress at the Right Price: 7 Tips

To discover the ideal mattress for a restful night’s sleep, we assist you in sorting through the available choices. You consequently require a new mattress. Generally speaking, a mattress will endure between eight and ten years, according to conventional thinking. However, the greatest ways to tell if you need a new mattress are by how comfortable and restful you are. A high-quality mattress might last 15 years, according to some research.

Spending some time trying out several brands and styles of mattresses will help you find the one that feels best to you and will increase your likelihood of being happy with your new mattress. Don’t purchase an old mattress if you can help it because mattresses are personal items and are likely to be infested with bedbugs and dust mites. If you want to buy mattress near me, check out as they most affordable USA made mattress online. 

Four Types of Mattress


Innerspring mattresses, which are still the most popular kind, may have been your mattress of choice growing up. Wire coils, which also cause the recognizable mattress bounce, provide support in an innerspring mattress. It’s possible for salespeople to claim that the number of coils matters, but that’s not always the case. The experts at WebMD advise on how to choose the ideal mattress. Individually encased coils are now found in the majority of innerspring mattresses. No matter what a salesman says you, you won’t need more than 390 coils.


Hybrid mattresses are innerspring mattresses that include cushioning elements, such as foam, gel, or a plush pillow top, for example.

Air mattress

According to WebMD, air mattresses have foam-covered chambers filled with air in place of coils. There are advanced types of air mattresses designed for couples that let each person customize the hardness level of their side of the mattress by adding air or deflating it. These air mattresses are ideal for sleeping partners who have very different needs.


In a thorough examination of mattress shopping, The Wirecutter claims that latex is a “springier” sort of foam. . An innerspring and memory foam mattress are compared to describe how it feels. According to WebMD, you should anticipate robust, bouncy support. Some people actually find latex to be too firm, according to The Spruce. Unsure if a latex mattress is the right choice for you? You can test out this kind without making a significant investment by purchasing a latex mattress topper.

Memory foam 

Memory foam mattresses lack the springiness of innerspring and latex mattresses. Instead, because they absorb movement, you are less likely to be bothered by a restless spouse. By NASA in the 1970s, memory foam was created. For persons who experience back pain, for instance, it is a wonderful option because it adapts to the body’s heat and weight. Memory foam has a cult following among some users. Some people claim it makes them sweat as they sleep. As a solution to this problem, several producers add gel to their products. Gel-infused innerspring mattresses do make the sleeper feel a little bit cooler, according to the mattress buying guide. However, mattresses made of foam that had been infused with gel did not make for a cooler sleep.

Buying Advice for Mattresses

With all the many varieties, prices, bells, and whistles, mattress buying might be difficult, but it’s still important to take your time and make an informed decision.

1. To begin with, go shopping at stores

Online mattress purchases could come at some point. No amount of online research, however, can replace the experience of trying mattresses out at a store because mattress preferences are so subjective. A mattress should be tested for at least 15 minutes, according to some buying guidelines, and you should bring your own pillow with you so you can imitate your personal sleeping environment. You can compare prices online after deciding on the style you prefer. Best online mattress retailers are Amazon and

2. Identify your ideal mattress before it goes on sale.

When purchasing a mattress during a sale, the crowds and active salespeople can make the experience tedious and challenging if you haven’t done your homework beforehand. Consider your options carefully before seizing a deal on a mattress you like.

3. Be aware of the mattress’ height.

If you want to use your current fitted sheets, measure the height of your mattress and buy a new mattress that is the same height.

4. Include a companion.

Do not let someone else shop for you when you need a mattress. Both of you should try out the possibilities in stores if you and your partner will be sharing the mattress.

5. Avoid falling for sales gimmicks.

Don’t feel like you have to spend a fortune on glitzy features if you’re a frugal shopper. According to Consumer Reports, which tests mattresses under conditions meant to simulate use for eight to ten years,

Warehouse clubs and online stores both sell high-quality mattresses for reasonable prices. ”

6. Choose a return policy that is accommodating.

Choose a retailer that allows “comfort returns,” which entitles you to return the mattress if you’re unsatisfied with it for any reason, though you might have to pay a charge. Make sure you are aware of the return policy’s details and the warranty’s specific coverage before making a purchase.

7. Strike a bargain

Mattress dealers may place hefty markups on their products, giving you leeway to haggle. You should do so, even during a discount. Ask for non-monetary benefits instead, such as new pillows or bedding, if you can’t negotiate a cheaper price.