Why Your Dog Is Getting Anxious When You Leave The House

Why Your Dog Is Getting Anxious When You Leave The House

If your dog is suddenly acting anxious when you leave the house, it could be a sign that he’s trying to tell you something. Although it may seem like leaving your dog home alone is no big deal – after all, there are plenty of dogs who spend every day by themselves with nothing but food, water and shelter – doing so can actually cause him a good degree of stress. This is large because dogs are simply not wired to do well alone, and when they’re left by themselves for long periods of time, it can lead to them developing some pretty unhealthy habits.

“Many dogs have a ‘velcro’ personality,” says Dr. Lisa Radosta, a board-certified veterinary behaviorist with the Veterinary Behavior Clinic in Philadelphia. “They are more comfortable being next to their person rather than alone.”

Those dogs who’ve spent much of their time with their owners may even experience separation anxiety when left alone, which can often manifest itself in ways that are physically damaging to the dog. For instance, some dogs will try to escape their homes to try and find their owners, while others will resort to destroying objects like pillows or crates in an effort to alleviate some of the stress they’re feeling.

The good news is that there are plenty of things you can do to help your dog cope with being left alone.

1.  Keep Him Entertained

If you’re the kind of person who leaves the house and, as soon as you do so, your dog immediately starts crying and barking, it could be because he’s bored.

To avoid this problem, it’s important to keep your dog entertained when you leave. So if he loves chewing on bones, bring him one with you so that he has something to occupy his time with. You could also install a doggy daycare system or set him up with some toys that dispense treats as he plays.

2.  Get Him A Pal

Dogs who are left at home alone all day long tend to be much happier and less anxious if they have another dog to keep them company. If your dog is used to having a canine companion, make sure you get him one. If this isn’t an option and he’s still barking and crying while you’re gone, try bringing another dog home for the day.

3.  Use CBD Oil

If you’re not comfortable bringing another dog into your home, CBD oil is an excellent alternative. This special extract from the cannabis plant has been shown to have a relaxing effect on canines, which could help stop anxiety in its tracks. Make sure you have in mind the essential info about CBD oil before you give it to your dog for safety.

4.  Leave Him With A Sitter

If you have to leave your dog home alone often, it could also help to hire a dog sitter. This will allow him to get the socialization he needs while still allowing you the freedom of not having to drag him along for errands.

5.  Exercise Him Before You Go

Tired dogs tend to sleep more, and if you exercise your dog before leaving him alone for the day, you might be able to cut down on the barking and whining. When exercising him, make sure not to tire him out too much so that he’s still able to get some rest while you’re gone.

If your pup is doing all of these things and still gets anxious when you leave, then it might be a sign that he’s suffering from separation anxiety. For more information about how dog anxiety can be treated, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian today. Good luck!