Archives September 8, 2021

Anxiety Disorders: Types, Causes, Symptoms

Anyone who has been through a major life experience knows how it feels to be anxious at times. However, this feeling of uneasiness varies from one person to the next and can affect your daily activities in very different ways. For some people, anxiety is a minor inconvenience that may affect performance on simple tasks. For others, anxiety can be debilitating and change their lives completely.

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States, affecting nearly 1 out of every 8 adults. Although they vary in severity, anxiety disorders typically involve feelings of fear or dread that are uncontrollable and overwhelming; these feelings may subside only when the person suffering from anxiety attacks stops the attack.

Types of Anxiety Disorders

Do you suffer from excessive, irrational fears or worry? You might have an anxiety disorder. A wide range of mental disorders falls within the category of anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, health anxiety, agoraphobia, and social phobia. In addition to these more common types of anxiety disorders, there are also:

– Separation Anxiety Disorder

– Selective Mutism

– Reactive Attachment Disorder

– Acute Stress Disorder

– Panic Disorder without Agoraphobia.

Causes of Anxiety Disorders

While the exact cause is still unknown, several factors can contribute towards developing an anxiety disorder such as:

Biological Factors

Heredity can contribute to anxiety-related disorders. If you have a history of mental illness in your family, your chances of developing an anxiety disorder are increased. Mental illnesses such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), and panic disorder often run in the same family.

Environmental Factors

Anxiety disorders can also be caused by personal life experiences. For example, a person with a history of insecure attachments or relationships may develop a social phobia as a way to protect themselves from further rejection and disappointment. Other common environmental contributors include sexual abuse, physical abuse, neglectful parenting, and traumatic events such as car accidents.

Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders

Although the symptoms vary from one anxiety disorder to the next, most people suffering from anxiety disorders share certain feelings and experiences. You might have an anxiety disorder if you experience recurrent, persistent thoughts about everyday concerns such as money management or household chores. Or, you may suffer from continuous overwhelming fears that are difficult to control, such as the fear of heights or social situations. In addition to these thoughts and fears, you may experience physical symptoms such as:

Dizziness – Racing Heartbeat – Chest Pains – Sweating – Nausea – Headaches – Shortness of Breath – Muscle Tension

Ways to Reduce the Symptoms

Taking antidepressant medications or using CBD for anxiety listed here is the most common way to reduce anxiety symptoms. However, you should always consult your doctor before taking any medication, especially if you are unsure about what will work best for you. Physical exercise is another great way to relieve stress and improve emotional health. Yoga or Pilates classes are excellent options if you are interested in physical exercise. Counseling is another good way to reduce anxiety symptoms through healthy coping mechanisms and can be helpful in identifying possible triggers for your anxiety.


Even if you are unable to completely control your feelings of worry or fear, by learning more about your disorder you can find ways to cope with it. By treating the symptoms related to fear and worry, you can lead a normal life.

Depending on what type of anxiety disorder you are struggling with, some effective ways to reduce the symptoms involve exercising regularly, participating in yoga or pilates classes, seeking counseling or psychotherapy for healthy coping mechanisms, and taking antidepressant medication.